About FitSpace Pro

We want to help fitness professionals reach more clients, change more lives, and do what they love effortlessly through Fitspace Pro

We’re a software company based in Utah, founded in January 2018.

We focus on improving how online fitness coaches transform their clients' health.

Coaches do nutrition, weight lifting and various types of programs. They help their clients lose weight, gain muscle, build strength, and improve overall confidence through physical health.

Our goal is to be the best online coaching tool choice for trainers looking to expand their business online and either reduce their work load, or increase their influence and earnings.


Our My story

Jan 2014
I'm Alex, I've been into fitness since 2000. Around 2013-2014 as a software engineer, I wanted to build something for fitness professionals.
Oct 2015
I became a client. I experienced many different coaches and their coaching styles. It always felt like there was so much effort around communication and tracking information.

It made me wonder how much effort they were spending to try and organize things rather than focus on me as a client and how to best help my progress.

So the research process began. I interviewed hundreds of trainers and clients to learn how they worked and interacted online.
Employed as a full-time software engineer, I continued my fitness industry research. I also competed in 3 physique competitions, and earned some trophies. I spent many nights and weekends working on Fitspace designs, prototypes and writing code.
Oct 2019
After substantial testing with beta testers to make sure that Fitspace Pro actually improves the coaching process, we're opening the doors.

You can now request access to the platform and start improving your online coaching system.

Meet our professional team

Alex Parker
Alex Parker
Alex Parker
Alex Parker